第37号 (2016年)

I. 文学(英文学・米文学・比較文学)

‘Rhet’ric languish’d on the ground’: New Rhetoric and Rhetors’ Self-Criticism in the Early Eighteenth Century

Hiroki KUBOTA, 1

Figura for the Mirror for Princes: Alexander’s Encounter with the Amazons and the Brahmins in the Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour


The Restoration of the Beautiful: The Parallel Structure of the Explained Sublime in The Mysteries of Udolpho and Caleb Williams

Kentaro YAMAKI, 27

II. 英語学・言語学・英語教育学

Brand Names and Linguistic Devices: Sound Symbolism in Global Brand Naming

Mami GOSHO, 39

Chaucer’s Use of Directives in The Canterbury Tales: Dialogue between the Host and the Pilgrims

Naoki SENRUI, 51

Motivation for Selecting a Preposition from a Synonymous Pair: A Case Study of Influence On and Influence Over

Fumino HORIUCHI, 61


執筆者紹介, 81

住所変更等通知のお願い, 82

2015 年度寄付金一覧, 83

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 84