
A Preliminary for the New Age of Theoretical Linguistics

Jun'ichi MATSUMOTO (松本 純一), 1-6

A Cognitive Process of Honorific Expressions

Asako IIDA (飯田 朝子), 7-17

What Are the Differences between Have / Take / Give / Make a Verb Frame and Have / Take / Give / Make a Deverbal Nominal Frame?

Chie KANAMORI (金森 千恵), 18-29

The Meaning of Lhammas or ‘Account of Tongues’ for Tolkien’s Mythology

Tsukusu ITO (伊藤 盡), 30-35

The Dynamic Forces of Life of Oscar Wilde

Sae AKIMOTO (秋元 佐恵), 36-43

Subversion and Preservation of Realist Convention in The Magus

Yoko KAYA (茅 洋子), 44-53

O’Neill’s Hughie: Role-Players in Absurdity

Nahoko MATSUDA (松田 菜穂子), 54-65

Darkness Invisible: William Styron’s The Confessions of Nat Turner

Keiko SHIRAKAWA (白川 恵子), 66-80

The Concept of Time in Blithedale Romance

Fumiko TAKENO (竹野 富美子), 81-89

執筆者紹介, 90

『コロキア』同人規約・『コロキア』投稿規約, 91
