

An Edition of an Unpublished Version of ‘A Dialogue between Christ and Man’ from Tokyo, Keio University Library, 'Hopton Hall' Manuscript

Mami KANNO, Yoshinobu KUDO, Misato HORI, Thae Ho JO (‘The Medieval Four), 1

The Imperial Bodies and Languishing Livers: The Poetics of Physical Culture in The Forsyte Saga

Yoshihiro SUGAI, 7

From a Brilliant Clown to a Brilliant Writer: Oscar Wilde’s Two Lecture Tours in the 1880s

Ryo HIDA, 19


A Pair of Snakes Eating Each Other’s Tails: The Metaphor of Animals in Tim Obrien’s In the Lake of the Woods

Aoi SAITO, 33

Rock ‘n’ Roll India: A Cultural History of Distortion from The Beatles to Jhumpa Lahiri

Shunsuke SHIGA, 47

Gothicizing Japan: Reading “The Piazza” as the Melvillian 1848


Collecting Selves, Freeing Freaks: Michael Jackson’s Extraordinary Body

Kaori HOSONO, 75


Narrative Constructions in Japanese and English: The Difference between Japanese and English Perspectives

Misaki AKIMOTO, 91

Active Listening Strategy in American Girltalk: An Analysis of American Television Dramas

Naoko UMETSU, 111

執筆者紹介, 125

2011 年度寄付金一覧, 126

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 127