
英語学 (Philology and Linguistics)

助数詞句 "a piece of" における形容詞の位置について-British National Corpusを使った意味分析試論-

飯田 朝子, 1-10

Phenomenological Approach to Language Expressions: Habitus and Rhetorical Styles in Languages

Naohiro TATARA (多々良 直弘), 11-21

Indexicality, Gender and Social Identity

Naoko WAKE (和氣 直子), 23-31

Collocations of Intensifiers: severe, utter, and extreme

Akane KAWAMATA (川又 茜), 33-44

Polysemy: Various Approaches and their Applicability to English Grammar

Miyuki TANI (谷 みゆき), 45-59

英文学 (English Literature)

Weird Sisters: Bellenden as a Possible Source for Macbeth

Ryoko NAKANO (中野 涼子), 61-68

Aiming to Revive Britishness: The Role of Light in William Holman Hunt's The Light of the World

Sachiko FURUKUBO (古久保 幸子), 69-76

Image Resurrection of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in The Silver Chair: C.S. Lewis as a Medievalist

Masako TAKAGI (高木 眞佐子), 77-100

米文学 (American Literature)

Indoor World of "Outdoor Writer": Domesticity and Matriarchy in Ernest Hemingway's In Our Time

Hideo TSUJI (辻 秀雄), 101-110

"Hung Around in Doorways": Tomboy Heroine in Carson McCullers's The Member of the Wedding

Atsuko NISHIYAMA (西山 敦子), 111-119

Little Boy in a Cold War World: The Super-textuality of the Bomb in Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle

Fumika NAGANO (永野 文香), 121-132

A Wild Dodo Chase —『重力の虹』における「過去」の感覚—

波戸岡 景太, 133-142

執筆者紹介, 143

ホームページ開設のお知らせ, 144

2001年度寄付金一覧, 145

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 146