

Lexical Aspects and Grammatical Aspects: Relation between the Verb Know and the Progressive Construction

Miyuki TANI, 1

On the Collocations of Deep: Lexical Semantics from the Encyclopedic Point of View

Akane KAWAMATA, 13

How Progressive Meaning was Expressed in Old English: A Comparison with the German Simple Form

Sumiko IMAI, 25

The Reflexive Event: How to Perceive the Self

Mia TANIDA, 37

Idiom Passivization: Where Do Syntax and Semantics Meet?

Hirotoshi YAGIHASHI, 49

Semantic Structure of the Indefinite Article: Relation between Alan and One and Reference to Mental Spaces

Rino SH!NOBU, 6I

Constructional Approach to Resultative Construction: Constructional Link and Its Preliminaries

Daisuke TSUSHIMA, 69


Slow Wind over Grass: Representation of the Crowds in Henry Green's "Excursion" (c. 1930)

Chiho NAKAGAWA, 79

Was Cnut a True Christian, or Just a Shrewd Politician?

David R. Hathaway, 89

From Ribbons to Cigarettes: Eizabeth Bowen's The Last September as the First Chapter of an Anglo-Irish Woman's Autobiography

Atsuko UEDA, 99

Why Did the Rastells Publish Chronicles?: The Formation of History in Early Tudor England

Takaka HARASHIMA, 119



深瀬有希子, 137


波戸岡景太, 155

An Interracial History of Body/Language in America: The Male Body in Emerson, Douglass, Whitman, and Ellison

Michio ARIMITSU, 171

Isabel Archer's Adventure as an Ethnic Girl: The Portraits of a Lady by Henry James and Nella Larsen

Keiko TOMITA, 193

執筆者紹介, 203

ホームページのご案内, 204

2003年度寄付金一覧, 205

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 206