
Colloquia 35 年を迎えて

髙宮利行, 1

I. 文学(英文学・米文学・比較文学)



井出新, 7


河内恵子, 19

Imperial Fantasy and Insular Home: The Conflicting Ideals of Arthurian Legend in the Alliterative Morte Arthure


Merlin the Rhymer: John F. M. Dovaston and Minstrelsy of the Welsh Border


Nowhere Man: Subversion and Death in E. M. Forster’s Homoerotic Stories


Horses Watch Gabriel, Stephen, and Bloom: Rethinking Joyce’s Horses


Transatlantic Lecture Tours: Formation of Oscar Wilde as a Critic

Ryo HIDA, 79

断片研究と時禱書写本——16 世紀初頭の時禱書写本零葉をめぐって

松田隆美, 89

The Reprobate in Paradise Lost: Milton’s Satan and the Crisis of Conscience

Yukari MATSUMURA, 105

“Mr. Betwixt-and-Between”: Stevenson’s Home and Japanese Feudalism

Masao MORISHIGE, 115

The Return to the Idealized Native Place: The Interrelation of Picturesque Arts and Beautiful Music in the Poems of Ann Radcliffe

Kentaro YAMAKI, 129

If I’ve Killed One, I’ve Killed Three: Overlapping Myths of Sylvia Plath and the Melancholy White Goddess

Haruka IKEBE, 141

The Wife Cooked?: On Hidden Violence in Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral”

Daiki UCHIDA, 153

Casting a Cold Eye to the Intellectuals: Confronting the Real World in Mary McCarthy’s Birds of America

Fujiko UNO, 163

Babylon Sisters: The Female Flaneur in Letters from New-York

Hisayo OGUSHI, 171

“The Decent Christian Threw his Mask aside”: Ridicule in The Triumph of Infidelity

Yumiko KOIZUMI, 183

The Barren Land of Figures: Auerbach, De Man and Mizumura

Takayuki TATSUMI, 199

Melville’s Egyptian Self-Fashioning: The Plagiarized Voices in Pierre, or the Ambiguities

Shogo TANOKUCHI, 207

Mourning as Performance: Rereading Emerson’s “Experience”

Ryohei TOMIZUKA, 221

In Search of the American Fairy Lore: Changeling in Mark Twain’s Pudd’nhead Wilson

Kaori HOSONO, 231

The Familiar and the Strange: Tracing the Roots of Japanese Gothic to The Tale of Takamura

Andrew ARMOUR, 241

II. 英語学・言語学・英語教育学

Word Pairs as Components of Variation in Old English Poetry

Michiko OGURA, 251


井上逸兵, 271

Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Semantic Construction of up and down: By the Semantic Approach of Core Theory

Koichi KOSAKA, 283

Homology of Fashions of Speaking in English and Japanese Translations: The Case of Comics

Saori DAIJU, 301

Assessment Literacy for Teachers

Yuji NAKAMURA, 317

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執筆者紹介, 327

2013 年度寄付金一覧, 329

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 330