

‘And throgh the mercé of God’: Exploring Death, Agency, and Voices in the ‘Three Dead’ Motifs

Miyabi IDE, 1

Mirabiliaのローマから巡礼地ローマへ ——15世紀 イングランド における Mirabilia Urbis Romaeの 変容 ——

大平 早紀, 11

“Holy Hede”再考 : Sir Gawain the Green Knightに 見 る St. Winifredの 表象

中川 健司, 23

月までの経験的飛行 ——Francis Godwin のThe Man in the Moon における創造的飛行装置と宇宙空間——

穴本 玲奈, 43

Seeing and Unseeing in The Miller’s Tale: Chaucer’s Literary Use of Medieval Optics



見えない翡翠の謎 ——“Mandarin’s Jade”とFarewell, My Lovelyにおける書き換えと可視/不可視性 ——

西山 祥, 65

Miscegenation and Monstrosity in Our Nig: Life in the 19th Century American North Through the Perspective of Mixed-race Child

Kimiko ITOH, 79

Ishmael and his “Equal Eye”: Secularized Faith and Time in Moby-Dick



Original Reference and Indigenous Etymological Spellings in Ad-Words: Comparison of their First Attestation Dates

Shiho TERASAWA, 107

Conventionality of Tautologies: Diachronic and Synchronic Approaches to the English NP will be NP Expression

 Hikaru AOKI, 121

makeの複雑他動詞構文における節目的語外置と形式的 itの 有無について

木村 快, 137

Use of Japanese “un” and its Relation to Visual Information: An Analysis of Camera-off and Camera-on Conversations Using Zoom

Chihiro KUSABA and Tsubasa MINAGAWA, 151

Strategies for delivering novel expressions: A case of direct speech compounds in English

Ryota HOSOYA, 171

The Selection of Compound Numerals in Cursor Mundi: A Comparison of Four Manuscripts

Momoko KIHARA, 183


執筆者紹介, 192

住所変更等通知のお願い, 193

2021年度寄付金一覧, 194

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 195