
Thompson Language: Phonological Sketch and Syllabification

Naoko KAWAKITA (川北 直子), 1-10

Interrogatives as Requests: Gradience between Modals and Main Verbs

Chie KANAMORI (金森 千恵), 11-21

The Relevance between Prototype and Category

Asako IIDA (飯田 朝子), 22-34

Necessity of Including Connotation in the Description of Meaning: from the Perspective of Taboo Words

Kohei ADACHI (足立 公平), 35-41

Class Terms in Nominal Compounds and their Roles in Noun Categorization

Keiko IGUCHI (井口 景子), 42-51

From Sentence Semantics to Proverbs

Ken’ichi IDEHARA (出原 健一), 52-61

The Conflict between Truth and Imagination: Ruskin’s Criticism on Photography

Miyo KAWAMURA (河村 美陽), 62-69

Downpour of Light: A Conflict between Stability and Change in Middlemarch

Yohko NAGAI (永井 容子), 70-82

O’Neill’s Metadramatic Design: A “Role-Playing” for The Misbegotten

Nahoko MATSUDA (松田 菜穂子), 83-93

無国籍作家 Paul Auster の民族観 -- Moon Palace を中心に

秋元 孝文, 94-101

The Female Jeremiad: Lament and Celebration in Child’s Hobomok

Hisayo OGUSHI (大串 尚代), 102-09

アメリカン・ディプティック -- BradstreetとWheatley の類似性から

佐藤 光重, 110-19

執筆者紹介, 121

『コロキア』同人規約・『コロキア』投稿規定, 122