
一冊の本 -- 『コロキア』第二十号に寄せて

安東 伸介, 1-3

慶應 -- 言霊の幸う園

岩崎 春雄, 4


山本 晶, 5-6


英語学 (Philology and Linguistics)

ハムレットの父の系譜とアングロ・サクソン王家の系譜 -- 神話と歴史文献学との狭間についての研究ノート

伊藤 盡, 9-23

The Interpretive Approach Revisited: Toward an Integrated Framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics and Intercultural Communication

Ippei INOUE (井上 逸平), 24-39

Face, Place, and Linguistic Politeness: A Reexamination of “Face-Work Phenomenon”

Keiko YANAGIYA (柳谷 啓子), 41-55

What Could Be Possessed? -- 英語・日本語・フィンランド語の所有関係を表す構文の比較

飯田 朝子, 57-71

英文学 (English Literature)

Emblem Books in Some Seventeenth-Century ‘Vanitas’ Still-Life Paintings

Takami MATSUDA (松田 隆美), 73-79

The Influence of Publishing Climate on the Popularisation of Chaucer in Eighteenth-Century Britain: With Particular Reference to Modernisations of the Canterbury Tales

Tetsuko NAKAMURA (中村 哲子), 81-90

Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri: A Study of the Politics of Young Samuel Johnson

Noriyuki HARADA (原田 範行), 91-104

An Episode in Reading Wordsworth, de Man, Chase: Book V of The Prelude Revisited

Takayuki TATSUMI (巽 孝之), 105-21

Review: The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. Edited by Christopher Innes

Nobuya TAKAHASHI (高橋 宣也), 123-29

No More Novels?! Eloquence of Quiet People -- The World of Susan Hill

Keiko KAWACHI (河内 恵子), 131-35

米文学 (American Literature)

“Tell Me, Glass, Tell Me True!”: Fairy Tales in Charles W. Chesnutt’s The House Behind the Cedars

Akiyo Ito OKUDA (奥田 暁代), 137-44

ホールデンの肖像 -- 表紙絵に描かれた『ライ麦畑でつかまえて』

尾崎 俊介, 145-53

Pynchonのポスト・モダニスト的神学 -- Mason & Dixonにおける‘書くこと’の倫理

麻生 享志, 155-61


英語学 (Philology and Linguistics)

What Is NO Doing in Japanese Negative Questions?: A Note on NODA

Miki M. HANAZAKI (花崎 美紀), 165-81

英文学 (English Literature)

Courtesy and Obedience: An Aspect of Courtesy in Middle English Gawain Romances

Isamu TAKAHASHI (高橋 勇), 183-92

How He Divided the Morte Darthur: Caxton’s Editing Process Reconsidered

Masako TAKAGI (高木 眞佐子), 193-204

Change of the Copy Text: Wynkyn de Worde’s ‘The Monk’s Tale’ and ‘The Prologue of the Nun’s Priest’s Tale’

Satoko TOKUNAGA (徳永 聡子), 205-15

フィールディング最後の旅 -- 『リスボン渡航記』を読む

白鳥 義博, 217-25

A Private Tragedy Generalized: John Forster’s The Life of Charles Dickens as a Dickens’s Posthumous Work

Yuji MIYAMARU (宮丸 祐二), 227-40

Burden of Time: Fin de siecle Bildungsromane by Gissing and Hardy

Ayaka KOMIYA (小宮 彩加), 241-49

Issues of Narrative in Dorothy Richardson’s Pilgrimage

Chiho ITO (井藤 千穂), 251-61

米文学 (American Literature)

The Accomplished Singer: The Plain Style in Puritan Psalms

Mitsushige SATO (佐藤 光重), 263-74

Juliet as a Public Woman: Domestic Ideology in the Writings of Anna Cora Mowatt

Nahoko TSUNEYAMA (常山 菜穂子), 275-89

The Monstrous Birth of a Nation: Hawthorne, Turner, Dixon

Keiko SHIRAKAWA (白川 恵子), 291-303

マーク・トウェインのウィーン -- 反ユダヤ主義・反キリスト教主義・反人種差別主義

中垣恒太郎, 305-14

“Signifyin(g)” upon Huck Finn: Toni Morrison’s Beloved as a Cultural Artifact

Yukiko FUKASE (深瀬 有希子), 315-25

Evolution of “The Transparent Eyeball”: The Reappearance of the Imaginative Self in Jim Dodge’s Stone Junction

Hisayo OGUSHI (大串 尚代), 327-37

執筆者紹介, 339

1998年度寄付金一覧, 340

『コロキア』掲載論文一覧 (1-19号), 341-45

『コロキア』同人会員一覧, 346-49

『コロキア』同人規約・『コロキア』投稿規定, 350