
英語学 (Philology and Linguistics)

The Poetic Structure "Genitive Plural + Superlative" in The Metres of Boethius

Kimitaka TOYAMA (遠山 公隆), 1-10

Differences in Encoding Motion Events: Homological Relationship between Static and Dynamic Expressions

Naohiro TATARA (多々良 直弘), 11-28

Transitive and Passivization: Object Affectedness as Cognitive Basis of English Passive

Maki SUDO (須藤 真季), 29-48

英語教育におけるプレゼンテーションの指導について -- 慶應義塾大学経済学部 Study Skill 2000 のケースから

飯田 朝子, 49-60

英文学 (English Literature)

In Quest of Efficient Printing: The Use of Paragraph Marks at Caxton's Print Shop

Masako TAKAGI (高木 眞佐子), 61-70

The Encounter between a Fool and a Picaro: Don Quixote and the 17th-Century English Prose Fiction

Yumi TANAKA (田中 有美), 71-85

Encouragers Sought and Gain'd for Elstob's English-Saxon Homily (1709): A Preliminary Study of the Subscription List and Female Subscribers

Yumi HANASHIMA (花嶋 由美), 87-106

Curious Wardens: Media and Society in Trollope’s The Warden

Yuji MIYAMARU, 107-15

The Birth of a Female Politician: Joseph Conrad's Nostromo

Chiho ITO (井藤 千穂), 117-26

Christopher Isherwood とミュンヘン危機 -- Down There on a Visit (1962) の "Waldemar" を読む

中川 千帆, 127-39

米文学 (American Literature)

A Genealogy of Exotic Romance: The Trans-National American Romances of Child, Harper, and Bowles

Hisayo OGUSHI (大串 尚代), 141-51

反・合理主義者マーク・トウェインと世紀転換期アメリカ -- スピリチュアリズム、ダーウィニズム、クリスチャン・サイエンス

中垣 恒太郎, 153-68

Beyond the "Pale": The Autobiographical Writings by Mary Antin and Sui Sin Far

Kumiko KOBAYASHI (小林 久美子), 169-78

Going Native: Representations of Egypt in Thomas Pynchon's "Under the Rose"

Keita Hatooka (波戸岡 景太), 179-87

執筆者紹介, 189

ホームページ開設のお知らせ, 190

1999年度寄付金一覧, 191

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 192

