

Women and Sanctity: Narratives of the Female Saints in the South English Legendary

Mami KANNO, 1

Undefined Values of the Merchant Class in Chaucer’s Shipman’s Tale

Yoshinobu KUDO, 17

There Scarce is Room for Satire: George Farquhar’s Moral Move from City to Country

Riki MIYOSHI, 35


Lessons of Master Arvin: Yaddo and Other Voices, Other Rooms

Hiroyo ENDO, 45

Sons of the Vietnam War Generation in Tim O’Brien’s Novels: From Eve Sedgwick’s Perspective on Male Sentimentality, Self-pity, and the Public/ Private Crux

Aoi SAITO, 59


Conversation Analysis of Hawai'i Creole English

Ryoko UENO, 73

A Usage-Based Approach to the a Hole Construction

Daisuke NONAKA, 89

Lexical Blocking and [-er] agentive nouns: Some drawbacks in the previous studies

Takashi HAMADA, 105

A Study of Conflict Talk: Triggers and content shift

Erika MUKOYAMA, 113

執筆者紹介, 131

『コロキア』同人ホームページのご案内, 132

2009年度寄付金一覧, 133

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 134