
英語学 (Philology and Linguistics)

Gender at Work: How Language Constitutes Gender

Naoko WAKE (和氣 直子), 1-14

英文学 (English Literature)

"Innumeri thesauri": Gold and Gems in The Letter of Alexander the Great to Aristotle and Mandevilles's Travels

Yu ONUMA (大沼 由布), 15-26

Caxton and the Spread of Printing in England: A Question on the Date of an Inventory of Sir John Paston

Masako TAKAGI (高木 眞佐子), 27-35

The Art of Image: De Worde and English Ars Moriendi

Satoko TOKUNAGA (徳永 聡子), 37-46

Adored Visages: The Role of Expressionless Faces in D. G. Rossetti's Poems

Chiaki KATO (加藤 千晶), 47-57

Joyce as Prophet of Infinite and Indefinite Meaning and the Reader as Scholar of Ulysses

Yuji MIYAMARU (宮丸 裕二), 59-70

米文学 (American Literature)

The Intensity of Repetition: "Bartleby, the Scrivener" and the Subversion of Law

Toshiyuki OHWADA (大和田 俊之), 71-80


中垣 恒太郎, 81-92

Nat Turner Reincarnated after the Cold War: Ideology of the Consensus-forming Spectacles in Kurt Vonnegut's Hocus Pocus

Fumika NAGANO (永野 文香), 93-103

執筆者紹介, 105

ホームページ開設のお知らせ, 106

2000年度寄付金一覧, 107

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 108
