

The Anti-Marian Contributors to Tottel’s Miscellany: Analysis of the Process of Compilation in the First Edition


What’s in a Name? Mystery of the Protagonist’s Inconstant Identity in Wilkie Collins’s Armadale

Aika SATORI, 11

Necrophilia in Algernon Charles Swinburne’s “The Leper”

Lilith AYVAZYAN, 19


The Power of Sexuality and Laughter: An Analysis of the Novels by Hesse, Kesey and Vonnegut in the Context of Counterculture

Hikaru KOBAYASHI, 29

The Power of Oz: Reconsidering the Significance of Being a Child in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Takumi NAITO, 43

Taming a Patriotic Girl: The Feminization during the Wartime in Carson McCullers’s The Member of the Wedding

Yuka OCHI, 53


日本語動詞「かなう」の多義性分析 ―フレーム意味論の観点から―

細谷 諒太, 65

Causality and Resultantity in Language: Language in Individuals and Groups

Takuto NAKAYAMA, 83

A Corpus-Based Analysis of Compound Numerals in Middle English

Momoko KIHARA, 99


西山 遥, 109

A Statistical Analysis on the Use of Confirmations During Dyadic Picture Book Reading in Japanese

Moeko WAGA OZAKI, 125

Ælfric’s Introduction of L. paradisus into Old English: Choice between Neorxnawang and Paradis

Mariko TAKAYAMA, 145

The Impact of Public Discourse on Interactions: Stancetaking in Television Talk Shows

Mana KITAZAWA, 155


執筆者紹介, 167

住所変更等通知のお願い, 169

2019年度寄付金一覧, 170

『コロキア』同人規約・投稿規定, 171