
The Destiny of the Western Consciousness and the Possibility of the Thinking Body in Thomas Pynchon’s ‘Entropy’

Takashi ASO, 1-17

ある時計師の死 -- メルヴィル「鐘塔」における機械と時間の考察

竹野 富美子, 18-24

「演技」による魂の救い -- O’Neill の A Touch of the Poet にみる

常山 菜穂子, 25-35

The Metaphorics of “Air”: Air-Mindedness and Cosmopolitanism in Paul Auster’s Mr Vertigo

Takafumi AKIMOTO (秋元 孝文), 36-47

Female Fantasies: A Romance of (Un)tragic Octoroon in the Republic

Hisayo OGUSHI (大串 尚代), 48-56

Hip to Be Saints: Reading and Desire for Fame in Early Modern England

Mitsushige SATO (佐藤 光重), 57-68

二つの遺産相続 -- Tom Jones と小説の発生

白鳥 義博, 69-77

Categorization Sieve Model: How to Consider Semantic Components in Categorization

Asako IIDA (飯田 朝子), 78-88

Conduit Metaphor in Japanese V-V Compounds

Keiko IGUCHI (井口 景子), 89-99

Polysemy of the English Grammatical Morpheme-ED

Kohei ADACHI (足立 公平), 100-09

執筆者紹介, 110

『コロキア』同人規約・『コロキア』投稿規定, 111